Oscam X The New Originals Chess

XXL 3D printing

Voor OSCAM & THE NEW ORIGINALS hebben we een schaakspel ontworpen. Waarom? Bij games draait het om vaardigheden, niet om leeftijd, geslacht, religie, status of cultuur. De OSCAM x TNO Chess verenigt mensen zonder focus op verschillen.

From A to Z

We keep saying it: 3D Next Level is more than just a 3D printing shop, but what exactly do we mean by that? 3D printing is only one part of our process. In fact, we supply completely finished products, offering a total solution for our customer. Take, for example, our XXL chess pieces for OSCAM & THE NEW ORIGINALS. Not only did we 3D-print these, but our engineers turned them into a complete kit. These chess pieces feature sturdy steel construction, foam padding, a laser-cut metal base plate and a beautiful blue finish.


Guus: "This project is one of my first major projects at 3D Next Level, there were only two of us at the time so this project was a lot of work. Meanwhile, the company as well as the engineering team has grown rapidly. Among other things, we have more 3D printers, a professional spray booth and more knowledge and experience at our disposal. Still, we would not approach this project differently now."

"I started by technically detailing the 3D design, dividing the chess pieces into different parts to be able to print these parts separately. The base parts were printed on our Massivit: the advantage of this printer is its fast printing capability. Since the Massivit is less detailed, the remaining parts were printed on our high-detail printers. I numbered all the parts so they would fit together in only one way, to prevent the parts from being incorrectly glued together. After printing, the chess pieces were stacked together like a puzzle and glued. Inside, I added a steel structure and filled it with foam, necessary for the overall stability. Then, we securely attached the metal base plate, and the so-called finishing work could begin."

"We sand the entire model so that we can apply a primer. The minimal print lines that occur during printing will then no longer be visible. Sanding these large chess pieces was very intensive, so we created a sanding tool. This invention worked fantastically! After the primer coating, we always inspect our models again for any imperfections, ensuring a smooth finish. And finally, we apply a 2-component lacquer to the chess pieces, in this case, a beautiful blue color. Deviating from a chess set with the traditional black and white colors symbolizes breaking with traditional habits and normalizing adaptation."

Do you have a unique idea?

Get in touch with Guus. We would love to make the impossible possible for you too!


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